THROUGHOUT her native Colombian life, Connie Ramirez, has equal Demonstrated passion for the two Things She excels: Accounting and Art At a very young age, this multifaceted woman majored in Business Administration and WAS Award masters degree in Finance from the Private University of the Rosary in Bogota, Colombia. After alternating family, career and art for Many Years, in October 2003, Art Ramirez Different Techniques Studied with renown Colombian artists living in her land and in Miami. Florida. This helper her find her own niche and Improved her artistic style sub-realism sprinkled with touches. Ramirez has the capability to paint using a great number of textures and create lively scenes on canvas That range from flowers to miniature landscapes Colombian Carefully painted on feathers.
Past Exhibitions: Uncovered City Of Doral, Doral, FL. May 2008 Hispanic Heritage Dade-Miami Miami, FL. October 2008 Art Fest at Doral 2008 Miami, FL October 2008 Sister City, Miami Dade, Miami, FL. September 2008 George Minet Gallery, Nine Artist Collective exhibitions, Miami, FL. April 2008 Madero Art Gallery, Collective Art Exhibit, Miami, FL. Tripe Restaurant December 2007, Solo Exhibit Miami, FL. November 2007 Quiereme Dezcalzi Interviewed on TV Show-Miami, FL. November 2006 Sister City, Miami Dade, Miami, FL. September 2007 Convergent Hispanic Miami, FL. October 2006 Sister City Date-Miami Miami, FL September 2007 Light Gallery Miami, FL. September 2006 Work Published in the Miami Herald, Miami, FL. August 2006 Quiereme Dezcalzi Interviewed on TV Show-Miami, FL. July 2006 Solo Exhibit Unilatina Fort Lauderdale, FL. May 2006